July 15, 2013

LiFi review

Ok for a change I would like to discuss something about the current technology
and today I would discuss a somewhat old technology but still new to the ears
I mean this technology has been existing for a while but still not widely used and it still sounds like something from sci-fi for other ears
I am talking about the innovative technology for wireless technology wherein you use lights to transfer data yes my friends it exist and it is called Li-Fi

"Li-Fi is a label for wireless-communication systems using light as a carrier instead of traditional radio frequencies, as in Wi-Fi. The term was first used in this context by Harald Haas in his TED Global talk on Visible Light Communication. The technology was demonstrated at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas using a pair of Casio smartphones to exchange data using light of varying intensity given off from their screens, detectable at a distance of up to ten metres. In October 2011 a number of companies and industry groups formed the Li-Fi Consortium, to promote high-speed optical wireless systems and to overcome the limited amount of radio-based wireless spectrum available by exploiting a completely different part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The consortium believes it is possible to achieve more than 10 Gbps, theoretically allowing a high-definition film to be downloaded in 30 seconds. Li-Fi has the advantage of being able to be used in sensitive areas such as in aircraft without causing interference. However, the light waves used cannot penetrate walls. Later in 2012, PureVLC, a firm set up to commercialize Li-Fi, will bring out Li-Fi products for firms installing LED-lighting systems." Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Fi

pretty soon we shall see this image on our favorite coffee shops or fastfood stalls. Just imagine using light rather than traditional radio waves for transferring signals. The implication of this technology is boundless since light is faster than radio waves its transfer speed should be faster than traditional Wi-Fi Technology
here is the official website for this technologyhttp://www.lificonsortium.org/
for me this technology should be applied soon, it has good advantage since you could replace your light bulbs in the office with LEDs which makes your lights dual purpose, I like stuff like that. who knows how far this technology could take us and I am actually looking forward to what happens to technology in the future and how far mankind could go... anyways thank you for taking time to read this and how you were informed hahaha Take Care guys

July 11, 2013

Visual Novels

"A visual novel (ビジュアルノベル bijuaru noberu?) is an interactive fiction game, featuring mostly static graphics, most often using anime-style art or occasionally live-action stills (and sometimes video footage).As the name might suggest, they resemble mixed-media novels.
In Japanese terminology, a distinction is often made between visual novels proper (abbreviated NVL), which consist predominantly of narration and have very few interactive elements, and adventure games (abbreviated AVG or ADV), which may incorporate problem-solving and other types of gameplay. This distinction is normally lost outside Japan, where both NVLs and ADVs are commonly referred to as "visual novels" by international fans. Visual novels and ADVs are especially prevalent in Japan, where they made up nearly 70% of the PC game titles released in 2006." Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel

this is one of my favorite genre of games at any console, device or PC and making them is just as fun. The language I use to make games like this is Python and I use the visual novel engine ren'py you should check their site if you have time and download their tools and I promise you could make games with ease. honestly I still have trouble with art since I could not draw but with this engine I could make games and compile them for Windows, Mac, Linux and even Android. For programmers wanting to enter the game industry alone I suggest making visual novel since it has a lower learning curve and the demand for it is still strong even specially in Japan
anyways that's all for my first short article hope you enjoyed reading and thank you for your visits guys
If you need tutorials for making visual novels www.renpy.org has them and you should give them a visit
more power guys

July 9, 2013

Extra Income updated

Just updated my Extra Income page
want to earn using facebook? twitter? or watching videos on youtube?
you should give it a try
check out my Extra Income Page
enjoy guys

July 7, 2013


its been so long guys what's up
sorry for being offline for a long time my computer was re-formated anyways thank you for the frequent visits even though I don't have much content yet but my sponsors has a lot to offer so you could check them out
still having problems thinking of new content.... anyways will upload some interesting stuff later

July 3, 2013


my seo failed maybe because of the ads I made but oh well at least I still have viewers